Free Art Felega
by Yenatfenta Abate

Master Group
Identity Group
Yenatfenta Abate
Free Art Felega 5 - Disrupt | Documentary
Free Art Felega
by Yenatfenta Abate
What is Free Art Felega? And what is the concept behind it? Learn more about the ideas of the projects and the creator, Yenatfenta Abate.

So far, there have been five complex projects of the series Free Art Felega. Yenatfenta Abate has run all projects in the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, in cooperation with institutions like the Goethe-Institute and CIM.
In 2019, Yenatfenta Abate decided to take the group of Free Art Felega 4 - Identity to charity organisations in Addis Abeba. There, the artists helped elderly and mentally disabled people, and children to deal with their everyday struggels by expressing their feelings and thoughts through art.

Free Art Felega projects have had several exhibitions in the past two decades. Are you interested in learning more about Free Art Felega? Do you have inquiries about specific artists or their art works?
Just contact us and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.