Free Art Felega 4
The Free Art Felega 4 - Identity project evolved from a period of observation of the local art scene in Ethiopia as well as the changing needs in art education, university education in general and, as a result, in the consideration of contemporary artistic work by Ethiopian artists. Including the Ale School of Fine Arts and Design, the Ethiopian Visual Artists Association and the Oromia Visual Artists Association, Yenatfenta Abate is deeply involved in developing ways to refine the quality of the education of artists and to create critical platforms on which locally and internationally creative, educational, and professional thoughts can be discussed and realized through an understanding of contemporary art . The aim was to be able to support qualified and better equipped professional artists in a variety of ways. In 2019, the central aspect of Free Art Felega 4 - Identity was the individual development and sharpening of the artistic identity, which is the basis of all artistic work. This project was financially supported by the Center for International Migration and Development, the competence center for international labor mobility of the German Federal Government.
Artists - Identity
All Art Works
Work Process
at the Ale School of Fine Arts and Design
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
at the Ale School of Fine Arts and Design
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia